JP negativo WHITE-01



  • The Commodore – 31 North Elliot – Unit 3


    This property had a really unique layout that we wanted to capitalize on.

    Highlighting the floor plan with excellent staging is one of the best improvements for home valuation, and should always be included in the process for selling a home.

    In this case, we took great care in selecting the right furniture pieces to complement the space, which was longer than it was wide. We played a lot with geometric shapes (positioning a round dining table next to a square coffee table) to compliment and maximize the floor plan.

    We couldn’t play it safe and by the rules with this property and, because of that, it allowed us so much more freedom to be creative. We couldn’t have been more thrilled with the final product, and we even contracted one unit pre- launch.

    In order to sell a home fast, you need to start with thoughtful, beautiful staging.